Friday, August 17, 2012

I Said, Fill The Void!

The whisper of whitespace amplifies meaning.

Let’s preface this with a declaration: we love design, every aspect of it.

But there’s one certain aspect of design that is perhaps our favorite. We could rave (we have raved!) about its elegant simplicity, its deceptive minimalism. Funny thing is, it's often our clients’ least favorite aspect of design.

It’s the whitespace.

See what we did there? We added paragraph breaks, that is, whitespace, before and after that one short sentence, those three short words. Do you see the way it draws the eye, the way it heightens the drama?

That’s why we love whitespace.

Oh, but we see our clients’ point. They’re paying for ink on the page and pixels on the screen, and most importantly for the effort it takes to put them there. Paying for whitespace? That’s a little too much like paying for the air in a bag of chips.

Hard to argue that point, except like this: in marketing design, what you’re really paying for is the effect. And the effect of whitespace is phenomenal.

Remember, we’re having a conversation with your customer. We’re stopping him in the street, staring him in the eye, and telling him all about you. Maybe he doesn’t want to listen. Maybe he’s hurrying to an appointment. Doesn’t matter. It’s our job to start that conversation, any way we can.

The whitespace is the dramatic pause in our sales pitch. It’s the knowing smile and confident nod that tells him that what comes next is going to blow his mind. Whitespace allows the message to breathe, separates it from surrounding visual noise and places it on the pedestal of absence so that it can be better understood.

We surround your message with whitespace, not because we’re in love with minimalism and dramatic design (true though that may be), but because we know it’s one of our most powerful tools to awe, to captivate, and…

…to communicate.

The C4:
  1. Marketing design: it’s equal parts marketing and design. Design serves marketing. Design is gorgeous (maybe we’re biased), but unless it serves marketing it’s self-congratulatory and a waste of everyone’s time.
  2. With that in mind, please believe us when we say we will leverage every tool in our considerable design kit to further ours and our clients' marketing aims. We will make gorgeous design, never doubt it, but we’ll do so only with that laser-like focus in mind.
  3. One of those tools, one which we often find ourselves defending, is whitespace. We understand the doubt. Whitespace is, by definition, nothing. Who wants to pay for that?
  4. Here’s the thing, though: you’re not paying for the nothing. You’re paying for the drama the nothingness creates. Our whitespace draws the eye, heightens the awareness, and lends an exhuberant exclamation to the elements it surrounds. It’s a message that reinforces itself by demanding attention. It creates a mental cadence to let the audience know that the central point is at hand—


