Thursday, April 25, 2013

We Love A Great Interface

But not instead of face-to-face.

Here’s the next great mobile app that needs to be developed: you point your phone at someone else’s, push a button, and instantly beam them a message that says “Hey, I’m over here! Please look up and talk to me!”

We’re the same as you — we love our phones. They’re like mini-offices we carry around in our pockets. They’ve elevated our productivity to stratospheric heights. They’ve made us more connected than we ever could have imagined.

But paradoxically, they’ve also disconnected us from this analog life. There’s a bright, 3-D world going on all around us, full of wonder, beauty, and face-to-face interaction, which we ignore every time we turn our attention to that tiny screen. 

Marketing blogger Christina Childers shares an instructive anecdote about an industry trade show she attended where the vast majority of the vendors were only interested in playing with their phones.

How many customers walked away unacknowledged? How much business went undone? Maybe more importantly — how many simple, invaluable human connections were missed?

We’re not trying to turn back the clock here. We know that the digital lifestyle, the ubiquitousness of handheld devices, is here to stay. And we’re more than fine with that. We revel in it.

But we revel also in a simple, good old-fashioned conversation. We like eye contact. We live for smiles.

So we ask you to ask yourself: are your screen-gazing habits interfering with that? Are you checking your messages more often than you’re checking your surroundings?

If so, the solution couldn’t be simpler. Just put that thing down for a moment, look up, and give us a smile.

The C4
  1. We won’t claim to be without fault here. We look at our phones a lot. They’re nifty little devices that streamline our communications, our business practices, and (let’s admit it) our entertainment. So yes, we look at 'em...probably more than we should.
  2. But if you ever catch us ignoring our clients, our friends and co-workers, or our families in favor of pixels, please remind us how unspeakably inappropriate that is.
  3. A lot of folks need just such a reminder. We all know this is true.
  4. It shouldn’t be that way. Normal interaction shouldn’t suffer because of technology. And it doesn’t have to. Just think it over every time you reach for your phone. Ask yourself if now is an appropriate time to look at it. If the answer is no, then put it away.